New IMR program increases facility grant amounts to kickstart materials-allied research projects

ORISadmin General

The Institute for Materials Research (IMR) is strengthening its commitment to make shared campus-research facilities more accessible to faculty and research staff at The Ohio State University with the unveiling of its Kickstart Facility Grant Program.


The program allows IMR to boost facility grant amounts awarded to faculty and research staff conducting innovative materials-allied research to $2,500, a 25-percent increase from previous years. This program supplants the IMR Facility Grants.


Kickstart Facility Grant assistance helps offset costs of user fees, access fees, and required costs that might be associated with research facilities.


IMR offers grant eligibility to its members hired within their first five years at Ohio State, and non-tenured regular and research faculty. IMR continues to encourage members who are senior research staff with principal investigator status at Ohio State to submit requests for proposal as well.


Kickstart Facility Grants are an excellent training opportunity for post-candidacy graduate students, fellows, and postdoctoral fellows to co-author proposals, and faculty are encouraged to engage their students and staff in their proposal development.


Research proposal templates are available at IMR’s website. Proposals for Spring 2018 must be submitted by 5 p.m., Monday, April 23, 2018.


IMR has supported 202 research projects with $404,000 in facility-grant assistance since 2007.


Potential applicants can contact IMR’s administrator and grants developer, Joanna Gardner, at, with any administrative or procedural questions or IMR membership inquiries. Potential applicants with technical questions related to possible research activities can contact IMR executive director Steve Ringel at


Please visit IMR’s Kickstart Facility Grant Program page for more details and proposal forms.


The Institute for Materials Research is an interdisciplinary institute that works across colleges and departments at The Ohio State University to facilitate, promote and coordinate research and infrastructure related to the science and engineering of materials.


Story by Mike Huson, IMR Public Relations Coordinator