IIT Bombay Prof. Dinesh Kabra joins Frontier Center leadership team

mhuson Frontier Center, General

Prof. Dinsesh KabraThe IIT Bombay-Ohio State Frontier Science and Engineering Research Center has welcomed a new member to its leadership team.


Prof. Dinesh Kabra from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay has joined Electrical Engineering Prof. Saurabh Lodha as faculty center leaders from the university in Mumbai, India. Their U.S. counterparts at The Ohio State University are Anant Agarwal, a professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Ardeshir Contractor, a visiting fellow at the Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research (IMR).


The IIT Bombay-Ohio State Frontier Center is a joint research center operated by Ohio State’s IMR and IIT Bombay. It builds on both institutions’ research strengths in renewable energy, electronics, photonics, materials, and quantum information technology. IIT Bombay Professor Emeritus Juzer Vasi and IMR Executive Director Steven Ringel serve as the center’s advisers.


Kabra, a professor in IIT Bombay’s Department of Physics, said he is excited to continue the Frontier Center’s work fostering collaborative efforts aimed at maximizing impact in the competitive global landscape of research and technological advancements. He added that the center has the opportunity to combine the resources and knowledge from the two universities to enhance synergy and achieve greater outcomes collectively.


“My goal is to see a clear growth in diverse areas of research being carried out in these two world class institutions by exchange of students and joint ideas and grants,” Kabra said.


Kabra’s research focuses on the exploration of optoelectronic materials, employing both electrical and optical probes for characterization. He is particularly interested in investigating their applications in a variety of areas, such as solar cells, lighting systems, and photonics.


He joined IIT Bombay in 2012 and earned a doctoral degree in optoelectronics from the Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research, in Bengaluru, India.


Now, helping lead the Frontier Center, Kabra said he aims to explore the synergy between dynamic capabilities and resources of both universities, as well as the potential for international collaboration for innovation performance at a global level.


“The IIT Bombay-Ohio State Frontier Center serves as a platform for interorganizational learning and dynamic capability enhancement,” he said. “It also fosters innovation by facilitating resource acquisition, diversifying the knowledge base, and improving the dynamic capabilities of collaborating partners.”


Learn more about the Frontier Center here: https://imr.osu.edu/frontier-center


Follow the Frontier Center on LinkedIn for updates: https://www.linkedin.com/company/iitb-osu-frontier-center


Story by Mike Huson, IMR communications coordinator.

Contact: huson.4@osu.edu

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