ECE team exploring next-gen UV lasers in the fight against COVID-19

mhuson COVID-19, General, Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainability

In the global rush to control the spread of coronavirus, ultraviolet (UV) light has proven effective for sterilizing surfaces in its prevention. Ideally, light emitting diodes, or LEDs, could provide the UV light too.

However, the technological advancements in this realm have remained stalled. As a device, UV lasers with improved beam quality remain better and more suitable for real-world applications.

At The Ohio State University, Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Assistant Professor Shamsul Arafin said this conundrum highlights the importance of materials and device research as technological achievements delve deeper under the microscope.

SHAMSUL ARAFIN, Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Arafin joined Ohio State in 2018 through the Materials and Manufacturing for Sustainability Discovery Theme, operated by the Institute for Materials Research (IMR).

He and co-lead, ECE Professor Siddharth Rajan, recently earned $400,000 from the National Science Foundation to help explore an innovative approach to solve the long-standing remedy.

According to their research, ultra-short-wavelength ultraviolet lasers emitting sub-300 nm power have proven useful for sterilizing surfaces or objects in the prevention of the global coronavirus spread.

“However, energy-inefficient LEDs achieved to-date are large, complicated, and expensive, which essentially limits their applicability in these key areas,” their research states.

Arafin said their NSF proposal, “Tunnel Junction-based AlGaN Ultraviolet Lasers” for the NSF Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) program will use the finding over the next three years to develop the technology necessary to operate lasers more efficiently in the sterilization process.

The proper technology could have wide-ranging benefits for science in general.

“UV light is useful due to a wide range of emerging applications, including phototherapy in the medical sector, plant growth lighting, water sterilization, trace gas sensing, curing polymers, and stimulating the formation of anti-cancerogenic substances,” Arafin said.

Specifically, Ohio State proposes an innovative approach to utilize interband tunnel junctions (TJs), which alleviate the material conductivity and hole injection problems of laser materials without sacrificing the optical performance of the device. This novel approach will, in fact, help overcome the principal challenges by enhancing hole conductivity and carrier transport by generating what are called “mobile holes” at the materials level.

“Mobile hole is an integral component of any optoelectronic device. Without holes, you cannot achieve device operation. The question is how will you get mobile holes in such devices, which is fundamentally challenging. Our proposed approach will help get enough mobile holes required for lasing operation,” Arafin said.

Siddharth Rajan, Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering

The radically new approach they propose will enable new scientific understanding in the areas of ultra-wide band gap materials and optical devices as well as establish the platform for a new class of AlGaN-based UV laser technology.

The ECCS program was developed by NSF to promote fundamental research in device and component technologies. In addition, the scientific insights and technological advances stemming from the research will also broadly impact the field of photonics by enabling operation in this underdeveloped ultraviolet spectral region.

Another goal of such NSF funding is not only to find solutions, but train the next-generation of scientists to keep the progress going. Because the proposed research project crosses different disciplines of science and engineering, such as optics, materials science, electrical engineering, physics, and chemistry, it will lead to a range of potential, hands-on learning activities that can engage students of varying backgrounds.

This story by ECE communications specialist Ryan Horns was originally published Nov. 24.