Air Force Research Laboratory looks to Ohio State for materials innovation

ORISadmin Facilities, Grants, Innovation

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and The Ohio State University’s Center for Electron Microscopy and Analysis (CEMAS) have established a long-term research collaboration platform for advanced materials characterization.


The Air Force Research Laboratory’s Materials and Manufacturing Directorate (AFRL/RX) develops materials, processes, and advanced manufacturing technologies for aircraft, spacecraft, missiles, rockets, and ground-based systems and their structural, electronic and optical components. Precision is critical in these endeavors, and CEMAS equipment and expertise will be leveraged to achieve optimal results.


A five-year $4.25 million grant will fund a cohort of post-doctoral research fellows (PDRFs) focused on precision measurement tools for advanced functional and structural materials characterization. Material classes of interest include metals, semiconductors, ceramics, polymers, composites, functionally graded materials, nanomaterials, electronics, sensors and biological materials.


The PDRFs will be embedded in the research groups at AFRL/RX offices at Wright-Patterson AFB and will have a faculty advisor at CEMAS to ensure access to the latest developments and capabilities.


“These outstanding young researchers will be the conduit between our two research enterprises,” said CEMAS Director David McComb. “There they will learn the materials and advanced manufacturing challenges that impede AFRL’s progress. Here they will have access to state-of-the-art microscopy equipment and the nation’s leading experts in materials characterization to help solve those challenges and innovate to improve our national defense.”


Read more about the CEMAS-AFRL collaboration at the College of Engineering site.