
The Institute for Materials and Manufacturing Research (IMR) is the gateway to Ohio State's materials-allied research enterprise.

IMR supports a community of multidisciplinary researchers, capabilities, focus groups and centers that eliminate traditional discipline-driven boundaries at the research level. IMR provides seed funding, infrastructure support and development, management of major research facilities, faculty recruitment, promotion of industry partnerships, educational and outreach programs and strategic leadership.

Register Now for the 2025 Ohio State Materials and Manufacturing Conference

IMR invites university faculty, staff and students, as well as government and industry researchers and leaders, to explore cutting-edge materials-allied research at the 2025 Ohio State Materials and Manufacturing Conference, April 30 – May 1. The event will feature a keynote session, technical talks, and a poster session highlighting advancements in science and technology. Registration is now open.

Attendees of MMC 2023 during the poster session.

Signature areas

Red line icon of chip technology

Electronic And Photonic Materials & Devices

Red line icon of three vials

Emergent Materials

Red line icon of magnet

Magnetic Materials And Phenomena

Red line icons of tools

Manufacturing And Processing

Red line icon of cells in microscope

Materials Characterization

Red line icon of battery with leaf on top

Materials For Energy and Sustainability
