New IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics

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Steven Ringel, IMR Director and professor and Neal A. Smith Endowed Chair in Electrical Engineering, is co-founder of a new scholarly journal, the IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics.

The journal was created in response to the rapid expansion of research in the science, engineering and technology of solar cells materials, devices and systems. The peer-reviewed, archival publication will report original and significant research results that advance the field of photovoltaics (PV) and are of primary interest to the photovoltaic specialist. Topics will include fundamentals and new concepts, PV systems, thin-film solar cells, concentrator solar cells, organic PV, and advances in PV characterization. The journal will publish two issues in 2011 and will publish monthly issues thereafter.

Dr. Ringel was the chair the IEEE Photovoltaics Technical Committee, whose primary initiative was to found this new journal, and he now serves as editor of the journal’s “Fundamentals and New Concepts” section. His leadership role in this journal further strengthens the notoriety of OSU photovoltaic (PV) researchers and their impact in the PV field. From the OSU node of the Wright Center for Photovoltic Innovation and Commercialization (PVIC) to a large group of collaborative faculty members performing research in virtually all areas of photovoltaics technology and basic science, OSU is making a major impact in PV innovation.

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