CEM Offers Research Experiences for Undergraduates

ORISadmin Faculty Awards

The Center for Emergent Materials, an NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center at Ohio State, is accepting applications for its Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program for the 2010-2011 academic year.

Through its Education and Human Resources Development/Diversity (EHRD/D) program, the OSU Center for Emergent Materials will support 9 undergraduates to perform CEM-related research during the academic year. A primary goal is to introduce students to modern research.

Students will be expected to work 8 to 10 hours per week during regular class weeks at $10/hour, from November 1 through Spring quarter 2011.  Students will also be expected to present a poster describing their research at the Denman Undergraduate Research Forum toward the end of Spring quarter 2011.

Applications are due: October 15

Students start in the labs: November 1

For more information and application materials, click here to visit the CEM website or contact Michelle McCombs, CEM Education and Outreach Coordinator, at (614) 247-8084
or mccombs.75@mps.ohio-state.edu